September 24, 2022 11:00 AM EDT
- Pittsfield, MA, US
- Auction Details
Fine & Decorative Arts | Part One
401 lots
- Decorative Art(258)
Inner Filter Options - Furniture(125)
Inner Filter Options - Collectibles(7)
Inner Filter Options - Fine Art(5)
Inner Filter Options - Jewelry(3)
Inner Filter Options
- Emile Gallé(6)
- Rene Lalique(3)
- Eduard Stellmacher(2)
- Charles Schneider(1)
- Ernst Wahliss(1)
1: Pair of Tiffany Studios "Turtle-Back" Sconces
2: Berlin (K.P.M.) Porcelain Plaque of a Woman
3: Tiffany Studios "Octopus" Inkstand
4: Elkington & Co. Porcelain & Silver Plate Epergne
5: Pair of Berlin (K.P.M.) Porcelain Covered Jars
6: Tiffany & Co. Sterling Silver "Sturgeon" Bowl
7: Victorian Silver-Plated & Glass Figural Bride's Basket
8: Pair of American Leaded Glass "Butterfly" Globes
9: American Jeweled & Leaded Glass Window
10: Lalique Frosted Crystal "Deux Chevaux Sauvages" (Two Wild Horses)
11: Pair of Sèvres-Style Napoleonic Gilt Bronze-Mounted Porcelain Covered Urns
12: Bradley & Hubbard Leaded Glass "Fish" Lamp
13: Berlin (K.P.M.) Porcelain Plaque of a Gypsy Girl Holding a Tambourine
14: Tiffany Studios "Leaf & Vine" Vase
15: Fabergé Sterling Silver Swan-Form Centerpiece
16: Tiffany Studios "Linenfold" Counter-Balance Floor Lamp
17: Berlin (K.P.M.) Two-Handled Floral Vase
18: Moe Bridges Co. Winter Landscape Table Lamp
19: Rosenthal Porcelain 14-Piece Fish Set
20: Berlin (K.P.M.) Porcelain Plaque of a Nude Woman